Our impact

We’re dedicated to supporting the work of Medway NHS Foundation Trust.

The Medway Hospital Charity is delighted to fund projects that fall outside of the NHS Budget.

Every donation has a positive impact on the experience and wellbeing of our patients and staff.

In the 2022/23 financial year, the charity received £176,000 in donations and grants and spent £208,000 on direct charitable activities. These included the purchase or privacy screens for Galton Day Unit, to help maintain patient dignity in the more open spaces within the department, LED ceiling tiles for our Children’s Emergency Department. These tiles are used as a distraction tool for young patients to reduce stress and anxiety, plus improvements to waiting rooms across the hospital.

We have also funded orthopaedic and breast cancer simulation equipment, protein powder for our prehabilitation patients, to support them before major surgery, as well as smaller items like hands-free drinking bottles for patients in our Intensive Care Unit, which make the world of difference to the recipients.

Vicki privacy screens
LED ceiling tiles - ED
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