Tomosynthesis machine for our Breast Screening Unit

Medway NHS Foundation Trust, The Medway League of Friends and The Medway Hospital Charity were delighted to purchase a tomosynthesis machine for our Breast Screening Unit.

The room was officially opened by Jo Palmer, Trust Chair, Dr Rupika Mehta, Director of the Breast Screening Unit, and Dr Mohan Velamati, who donated the balance of the 1980s Medway Scanner Appeal (via the League of Friends) to support this equipment.

Members of the Breast Screening Unit, Executive colleagues, NHS England and representatives from the charities also attended the event.
The ‘tomo’ machine, which can support up to 100 patients per week, takes a 3D scan of the breast and increases cancer detection rates by 15 per cent.
It provides greater accuracy than a 2D mammogram in pinpointing the size, shape and location of abnormalities and allows the team to carry out stereotactic biopsies the same day. We know this piece of equipment will make a huge difference to our patients and we are very proud to have part-funded it.

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